I so desperately wanted to take the boys to a “real” pumpkin patch this year while we were in DC since we don’t have anything like this in Florida other than cute little spots set up with pumpkins to buy. I wanted to go out in the country and actually see the pumpkins growing out of the ground and pick apples and do all of the fall things we don’t get to do here. I grew up in Pennsylvania and I really miss fall sometimes especially this year because it has been so hot.
If you read my previous post about our apple picking adventures you probably already read about our rental car issues. We couldn’t find any rental cars available anywhere to drive out of the city so we ended up taking an Uber to get to this farm which is something we probably never would’ve even thought to do originally but it ended up being around the same price as a rental car anyway. Moral of the story: always book a rental car in advance for any days you even think you might need one because they will not let you switch days and apparently rental cars are not plentiful in the Washington DC area especially on weekends.

I had a whole list of farms with pumpkin patches to go to but we ended up going to Homestead Farms since it was the closest and we ended up having to take an Uber to get there. It was definitely a great choice and we all had a fun day at the pumpkin patch and apple picking and the boys loved the animals too. The pumpkins were already cut here but they were all spread out in a giant field and that was good enough for me! Nicolas found this oddly shaped white pumpkin that he just HAD to have so we got that one since we couldn’t get any to carve because we were staying in a hotel in DC and it wouldn’t exactly be the easiest to bring them home on the plane. Nicolas put his little white pumpkin in his backpack along with some apples and we got stopped by airport security and I had no idea he even had those in his backpack. I guess they just looked funny going through the machine and we all had a good laugh about it.

Those goats were definitely living their best life! We could barely pry the boys away to go pick apples.
This cardigan is my favorite EVER and I have it in 4 colors now. It’s so warm I really didn’t even need a jacket most of the trip. It’s perfect for freezing cold airports and on the plane too. I linked the exact one I have. These jeans have been one of my go to favorites forever. They are so comfy and the fit is amazing.
I was determined to be productive today but I ran out of coffee for my second round this afternoon and have to go pick up the boys from school now so coffee run and more blog posts and laundry when I get home. Thanks for reading and I hope you are all having a great week!